
community archive

June 14, 2023

       "How to deal with..." - A therapeutical session through zine making was a workshop that we had the pleasure to organize and facilate for WORM's Pirate Bay public program in Rotterdam. We invited people to come with their frustration and leave with a practical guide in a zine!

Do you have a housing problem? Are you scared to open that letter from Belastingdienst? Do you experience ecoanxiety? Are you worried about the gas prices? Maybe you are in a period of dating fatigue? Then this workshop is for you! No matter what your frustration, fear, stress is, bring it to our table and we will find creative solutions through a collective brainstorming and zine-making.

January 9-12, 2023

       AppropriN̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ is a non-state that exists in our minds and feeds from our creativity. It’s a place without borders where everyone is invited to experiment and play 🍄

During this 4-day workshop, which we designed for the Photography Department of The Royal Academy of Arts, The Hague (KABK), BA students were introduced to the methods and ethics of appropriation art. Through a series of short experiments, from traditional collages to the use of AI tools, they discovered the possibilities of appropriation and remix as a creative process. 

October 26, 2022

       Collective Feedback & Editing workshop. We had the pleasure to be invited by FOTEA, the platform that organizes the Uganda Press Photo Award (UPPA) and focuses on the visual education of students and early-career professionals in East Africa, to participate in a series of workshops called "The Networked Audience." In the first part of our online workshop we introduced the participants to a collective feedback method aiming to give them more insights on the continuation and conceptualization of their projects. During the second part of our workshop we focused on principles of editing, sequencing and pairing a series of images. The participants worked on various exercises which helped them understand the potentials of a good editing process. 

May 25, 2022

       Collective Zines workshop. We had the pleasure to give this workshop to candidates of the MA Photography & Society at The Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (KABK) during the Admission Day. The participants worked in small groups where they were provided with different kind of images and various cheap art supplies in order to create a small zine based on image appropriation and collage. We had great outcomes of different shapes or forms that were reflecting on a wide range of societal topics.  

March 11, 2022

       SPEED EDITING workshop. How can we collectively edit, appropriate, and tranform photographs from different projects into a new form? To give them another meaning which tells a different story? See some of the results from our first speed editing workshop at the MA Photography & Society at The Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (KABK).

November 25, 2021 - check it on our IG

        (VISUAL) CONSEQUENCES is an Instagram-based activity inspired by the Surrealist game exquisite corpse. By connecting people with different visual languages the game explores our subconscious associations with images. The unpredictable, the messy accidents, the failed and orphan images are all part of our conversation!
Join us in watching as the visible consequences of our actions unfold...